At Holy Trinity our Early Years Foundation Stage Unit comprises of the Nursery and Reception classes.  We view the Early Years as one of the most important stages, as this is where we endeavour to provide our pupils with the best possible start to their journey through our school.   The Early Years Foundation Stage is about developing key learning skills such as listening, speaking, concentration, persistence and learning to co-operate with others.  We also place a great emphasis on language acquisition and early reading and mathematical skills. 
The curriculum of the Early Years Foundation Stage is organised into seven areas of learning :
-Communication and Language
-Physical Development
-Personal, Social and Emotional Development
-Understanding the World
-Expressive Arts and Design

Each area of the curriculum has their own unique Early Learning Goals which provide expectations for the children to reach by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage and prepare them for the Key Stage One Curriculum. 
Our Early Years Foundation Stage team conduct ongoing observations and assessments which ensure that planning meets the individual needs of the children and provides opportunities for all children to progress in their development.  Each area of the curriculum is planned for through broad topics from Curriculum Maestro and themes which change half termly.  
 The Early Years Foundation Stage Unit provides an indoor and outdoor learning environment which delivers the curriculum through a variety of whole class teaching, adult led tasks and child initiated activities which allow the children to develop independent thinking and learning.