Physical Education (PE)

Here at Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School we fully adhere to the aims of the National Curriculum and are committed to providing a high-quality physical education curriculum for all our pupils. Our P.E. curriculum encourages all pupils to see the awe and wonder of the subject. It inspires our pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport while also helping them to embed the values of fairness and respect. They have the opportunity to develop their skills and enjoyment to become physically confident in a way which supports both their physical health and their well-being. This will help equip and encourage them to make healthy lifestyle choices beyond their primary education.

At Holy Trinity P.E. is delivered with the pupils’ development and enjoyment at its core.
We adopt a knowledge and skills approach to the delivery of our P.E. curriculum. The National Curriculum’s programme of study forms the basis of the knowledge taught and a separate progression in skills document is used to ensure that the appropriate skills are taught within each ear group and across the key stages.

In Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) the pupils in Nursery and Reception are provided with an unlimited opportunity for outdoor play experiences and 1 hour of directed P.E. In Key Stages 1 and 2, pupils receive 2 hours of high-quality P.E. lessons every week. Experienced practitioners from Everton in the Community and LSSP deliver these sessions to ensure all pupils acquire the knowledge and skills needed for them to make at least good progress. This enables our pupils to develop a sense of achievement, enjoyment and passion for sport, health and fitness. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 attend swimming lessons for alternative terms of the year so they can develop and build on their prior learning in this area.

Our P.E. curriculum map outlines the focuses for each year group that will be covered each term and in each year group. These are shown on the P.E. curriculum overview and also on the individual class curriculum maps.

In P.E. lessons our pupils are provided with time to:

-review and consolidate previous knowledge
-discuss objectives, key vocabulary and success criteria
-identify and develop (build on) their P.E. knowledge and key skills
-take part in independent and collaborative activities and performances
-self-evaluate and review their learning and that of others

In the Summer Term the whole school takes part in a Healthy Eating and Fitness Week, where our pupils have the opportunity to experience a range of sporting activities, take part in healthy eating workshops and link their learning in a variety of ways in other subjects, e.g. Science and PSHE.

Our pupils are also provided with many off-site and out of school opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills and cultural capital.

This is done through:
-Annual Sports Day
-Inter-school football leagues
-EitC events and competitions
-Sportshall competitions
-Multi-skills competitions
-Nutritional talks and workshops
-Early morning and after school sports clubs

P.E is taught to promote and nurture a basis for lifelong learning, where pupils have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, they will continue to have a physically active life. A high-quality and broad physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Children make secure links across the skills to help them learn more, know more and remember more.

At Holy Trinity Catholic Primary, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. During P.E. sessions pupils are observed and assessed by the P.E. instructor and the Class Teacher to track how they are accessing and exhibiting the skills being taught for each session. This helps to inform next steps for individual pupils and the planning of subsequent lessons.Every week, three pupils are selected by their Everton in the Community coaches to receive Premier League P.E.  certificates for demonstrating sporting excellence, enthusiasm or fairness and respect.  All sports competition winners and entrants are celebrated during whole school assemblies. We also promote sporting excellence through honoring any pupils which take part or achieve accreditation from out of school clubs and competitions. This helps all pupils recognise achievement and success which in turn adds to their cultural capital.

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