Religious Education (RE)

The Religious Education Programme - Come and See.

To fulfil the aims and objectives, Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School will follow the Come and See programme of Religious Education, recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

The Come and See programme allows children to explore Catholic life through well put together resources and innovative lessons. Children complete tasks using a range of skills including music, art, writing and drama.

From an early age, children are given access to scripture. They hear the words of Jesus and learn ways in which his teachings effect their daily lives.

Throughout the entirety of their religious journey, children learn the following skills:

  • To recognise
  • To talk about
  • To describe
  • To ask
  • To give reasons
  • To make links
  • To show understanding
  • To engage and respond
  • To identify and explain

As well as learning about Catholic traditions, the children will learn about the traditions of other faiths. This helps give them a diverse understanding of the world.

Throughout the R.E. curriculum, children will be given a sense of belonging and will be shown just how much they are loved by the Holy Trinity community.

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