Curriculum Overview

At Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which delivers the 2014 National Curriculum covering the programmes of study in Years 1-6. The children in Nursery and Reception Years follow the Early Years Foundation Stage programmes of learning. Using the National Curriculum and Foundation Stage programmes of learning as its core, our school curriculum is tailored to the needs of our children to include enriched learning experiences through educational visits, partnerships with Everton in the Community (EitC), LSSP, Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse Theatres, Hope University and experiences to enhance their cultural capital and understanding of the world. Through our school’s commitment to the pedagogy of delivering a rich arts based curriculum we strive to cover our curriculum through authentic, exciting, challenging, inspiring, positive and inclusive experiences. We want our curriculum to inspire children to want to learn more, to provoke children’s intellectual curiosity and create experiences of awe and wonder.

We believe in a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued. It will equip our children with a breadth of knowledge. It will excite their imaginations, inspire and ensure high standards whilst meeting national requirements and relate to our setting. It will give them the foundations of developing healthy minds and healthy bodies. It will enable learners to have a value of themselves within the school, the local and wider community and the world beyond: knowing the positive impact they can make.

A progressively planned and cohesive curriculum ensures learning in all subjects, enables children to acquire the intended knowledge and skills and continually builds on children’s prior knowledge. Our curriculum design allows children to become confident and fluent with powerful knowledge and rich vocabularly. It is further enhanced with a variety of extra-curricular clubs, activities, and offsite educational visits and residentials.


  • Our curriculum is developed into half termly topics which deliver our principles and entitlement whilst ensuring it covers the statutory requirements of the national curriculum.
  • The long term curriculum maps provide progression across the school.
  • Most of the curriculum is covered through the topics (English, Science, History, Geography, Art, D&T and Computing). In addition to this other subjects are taught discretely.
  • All projects have knowledge organisers which provide the structure of learning, specifying key knowledge and vocabulary. The knowledge organisers make it clear to teachers, pupils and parents what is expected to be learnt by the end of the unit and within lessons.

All topics start with a memorable experience something exciting to hook children into the wonder of learning. Enrichment opportunities are planned carefully to aid teaching and learning.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.

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